Posts Tagged 'voting out'

Fourth eviction

Ron was up first to the voting room.

Obviously he wants Shanika to stay.  Naturally, his least favourite person was Sonia who kept poking him.

Jah was pretty easy-going.

He likes everyone.

Elizabeth was up next.

She also likes everyone.  She’d recently been hanging out with Sonia.

It would be pretty obvious who Shanika dislikes the most.

She likes everyone else equally.  Hmm..

Finally, Sonia was up.

Obviously her least favourite person was Shanika – the feeling was mutual.  She liked Elizabeth the most.

So, the winner, yet again, was Elizabeth.  She didn’t get a reward this week.  She’s been the winner three times running and is barred from any further gifts.  Runner-up was Jah.

You can probably guess who came out with the lowest score.

Probably for her own good.

It’s going to be boring if Elizabeth continues to be the winner.  I will have to come up with tasks for them.