Posts Tagged 'starving'

Jealousy, fights, starvation

I was about to write about the sixth eviction, when I realised I hadn’t posted about the fifth.  As it was some time ago that I played week five, I can’t remember the details of the relationships.  The photos will indicate the general idea:

Jah seemed upset by Sonia’s departure.

He went a little crazy:

Shanika appeared to be in love with both Jah and Ronald, so this, of course, caused problems with Elizabeth.

If looks could kill...

There had to be fights.

There was a bit of a cooling off period.

This was a period when people actually ate.

But then they got lazy…

And it was back to the fighting.

It was all getting a little out of hand.

I was tempted to let some of them starve.

Next up, the fifth eviction…